3,000 Solar Panels Installed on Rooftop at Brooklyn Navy Yard

3,000 Solar Panels Installed on Rooftop at Brooklyn Navy Yard

Mayor de Blasio has set a goal to create 100 megawatts of renewable energy on public buildings by 2025. With the recent completion of a massive project to install 3,000 solar panels on the rooftop of Building 239 in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, the mayor has successfully taken a giant step toward achieving this goal.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard

Also known as the United States Navy Yard and the New York Naval Shipyard, the Brooklyn Navy yard covered 200 acres at the height of its production of warships for the United States Navy. Due to the efforts of its 70,000 workers during World War II, the Navy Yard was nicknamed “The Can-Do Shipyard.” Since then, the property has become an area of private manufacturing and commercial activity with more than 300 businesses employing about 5,000 people within the space. Among these businesses are Brooklyn Grange Farms, which operates a 65,000-square-foot commercial far on top of Building 3, and Steiner Studios. Many artists also lease space in the area.

Over the years, the yard has undergone a number of renovation projects and expansions. The property also has three piers and ten berths ranging from 350 to 890 feet long. In 2014, the entire yard was listed on the National Register of Histpric Places as a historic district. Specific buildings have also been given landmark status. Quarters A is a National Historic Landmark, while the Navy Yard Hospital Building (R95) and Surgeon’s Residence (R1) are both New York City Landmark buildings. Some of the notable ships build at the Brooklyn Navy Yard include Maine, Missouri and Duluth, with Duluth being the last ship to be constructed there.

In November 2011, a museum dedicated to the yard’s history and future was opened in Building 92. Called Brooklyn Navy Yard Center at BLDG 92, the museum offers public tours, exhibits, educational programs and workforce development services.

Offering Eco-Friendly Energy Alternatives

ConEdison Solutions, which is a subsidiary brand of Con Edison will offer renewal energy alternatives with the help of the new 3,152-panel solar rooftop installed on Building 293. The solar panels will generate 1.1 million kilowatt hours of energy per year, which is the equivalent of saving 76,000 gallons of gasoline per year. The move will also help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.4 million pounds. In addition to being a step toward making the city more sustainable, the solar panel installation is one of the largest of its kind in the city.

The new panels were made possible with the help of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, which provided $625,8 64 in project incentives. With the help of these funds, the Brooklyn Navy Yard didn’t have to pay for the new panels. The  New York City Housing Authority is also working on promoting its sustainability agenda, which involves pledging to generate 25 megawatts of power by installing roughly 2.5 million square feet of solar panels by 2025. Once installed, the solar panels would provide enough energy to power 6,600 apartments.