Kristi, a seasoned New Yorker with a deep affection for the city, possesses an intimate knowledge of its every nook and cranny. Formerly a group fitness instructor at premier establishments like Equinox and Crunch, Kristi later established her own fitness studio, 30/60/90, in downtown Manhattan. Her journey began at the age of 19 when she moved to the city to pursue an acting career, leading to a multi-decade residency in the gold coast of Manhattan—the West Village.
Throughout her time in the city, Kristi has called various neighborhoods home, including SoHo, Gramercy, Chinatown/Little Italy, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn Heights, and Hell's Kitchen. Now a wife and mother of two school-aged children, she navigates the city's vibrant heart with a unique perspective shaped by her diverse experiences.
Kristi's multifaceted history with New York City makes her a valuable asset in the real estate market. Her insights are particularly beneficial for first-time renters or buyers, as well as long-time New Yorkers seeking a residence that aligns with their evolving needs. While her fitness background adds to her allure, Kristi's focus on real estate ensures that her clients receive expert guidance in finding the perfect place to call home in the dynamic landscape of New York City.